
N-B-Well - Nature-based wellness tourism - a new concept for sustainable development of the SBA


Zachęcamy do kontaktu przedstawicieli samorządów, instytucji, organizacji, mediów oraz firm zainteresowanych wspólnymi działaniami.

Project number STHB.03.01-IP.01-0013/23

Project activities implementation period: 15 July 2024 - 14 July 2027 (36 months)

Total project budget EUR 1 616 890,00 (ERDF EUR 1 293 512,00)


Project Lead Partner Klaipeda University

Project Partners: EUCC Baltic Office, Roskilde Business College, Denmark, University of GdanskPolish Union of Active Mobility, University of Rostock, Nida Culture and Tourism Information Centre "Agila".


Associated project partners: Gdansk Convention Bureau, Poland; The Lithuanian Resorts Association, Association Klaipeda Region; Northern Chamber of Commerce in Szczecin, Poland; Corolab (Centre for Innovation through Partnerships), Denmark; Association of Towns and Municipalities of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany; Visit Fjordlandet, Denmark; City of Buetzow, Germany; Tourism Association "North Kashubia" Local Tourist Organisation, Poland; Institute of Quality Development, Germany; National Association of Medical SPA and Rehabilitation Centers, Lithuania.

W okresie od 15 lipca 2024 roku do 14 lipca 2027 roku Polska Unia Mobilności Aktywnej (PUMA) realizuje projekt N-B-Well - Nature based wellness tourism - a new concept for sustainable development of the SBA. 
Projekt współfinansowany z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Interreg Południowy Bałtyk 2021-2027.


The aim of the project is to ensure the conditions for sustainable development and resilience of the tourism sector in the Southern Baltic Area through the development of innovative thematic cross-border nature-based wellness routes specifically tailored for health recovery and enhancement. By promoting cross-border cooperation, these thematic routes will create new business opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises, increase the visibility of tourism in the region and promote sustainable development by reducing seasonality.


Expected project results:

  • Guidelines and a framework for the development of the sustainable N-B-Well tourism model, aimed at promoting health recovery and enhancement in the SBA region. This outcome will include the development of a certification scheme for N-B-Well network organisations.

  • A system of cross-border touristic routes designed to enhance health and wellbeing in the SBA. It will adopt a holistic approach, each route covering different thematic focus: 1. physical health; 2. mental health; 3. emotional health and well-being recovery

  • Interactive digital platform for navigating cross-border health recovery tourism offerings via N-B-Well thematic routes.  This tool will allow businesses to cooperate in the development of cross-border tourism offers, enabling tourists to choose their itineraries according to their physical and mental health conditions, illnesses, fitness levels and travel preferences.

  • Establishment of an N-B-Well tourism network to ensure the longevity of the project's results, using the experience and expertise of the project and associated partners.

The achievement of the aforementioned results will contribute significantly to the sustainable development of the Southern Baltic Region. Increased tourism activity will enhance the region's attractiveness to both domestic and international tourists, improving their overall experience and boosting the region's competitive edge. Cross-border cooperation will facilitate the development of diverse, year-round, natural resource-based wellness tourism services. This will reduce dependency on specific seasons, create new business opportunities, promote entrepreneurship, and generate jobs within the community. A unified approach to marketing and certification will improve the visibility and quality of services in the South Baltic region, leading to increased tourist inflows. Additionally, the development of innovative N-B-Well routes will foster positive changes in public health and well-being.

the tourism sector in the South Baltic Area.


Członkami zwyczajnymi stowarzyszenia mogą być gminy, powiaty i województwa.

Wspólnie możemy kreować rozwiązania, które przyczynią się do budowy bardziej przyjaznych miast przyszłości.

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NIP 583-315-19-61

KRS 0000412741

REGON 221626955

58 719 97 99

Polska Unia Mobilności Aktywnej
ul. Jana Heweliusza 29
80-861 Gdańsk